The Hurricane Hunters
Cat 5 Katrina Hurricane Katrina dealt a terrible blow to our community. Most of our 403rd Wing members live along the Gulf Coast; many lost their homes, and far too many friends. The storm season started with such a bang, with an unprecedented string of seven named storms by the end of July.

After major Hurricane Dennis forced us to temporarily evacuate our aircraft from Keesler, it was hard to imagine just how bad things were about to get. Three days later, we began our week of flights into Hurricane Emily; we flew nearly 50 missions by July 24th, with scarcely a break by the time we hit "Gert" on the list. Harvey, Irene, Jose: it's such a blur. Still reeling from the blow dealt by Katrina on Aug 29, we set up shop in our refuge in Georgia; scarcely a week later, we were off flying deeper into the alphabet: Ophelia, Rita, Stan... all the way to Wilma, the strongest hurricane likely ever measured in the Atlantic basin.

Our enduring impression is of the indominable spirit of the people of the coast. We are so grateful for the generous outpouring of support from so many throughout our nation, and the world. A heartfelt thanks from the Gulf Coast. We will be back.

Note: When there is an active storm, see our latest reports and visit the National Hurricane Center for bulletins and advisories, and if you're under threat, please tune in to your local media.

In the Eye: 1996-2005 | Winter Storms
Cyberflight Into the Eye | Latest Aircraft Reports | How to Interpret Reports *
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It's true! We fly airplanes right into the eye of the hurricane, and we invite you along for the ride-in Cyberspace. This is the place to see unique photos inside the hurricanes. The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, known as the Hurricane Hunters of the Air Force Reserve, is one-of-a-kind: the only Department of Defense organization still flying into tropical storms and hurricanes--since 1944. Our ten Lockheed-Martin WC-130 aircraft and crews are part of the 403rd Wing, based at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi.

This site is managed by the non-profit Hurricane Hunter Association. Please read these important disclaimers and site info. For media requests: please contact the 403rd Wing Public Affairs branch at 228-377-2056.

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