Purpose and Disclaimers


  • To share cool pictures from INSIDE hurricanes
  • Show how and WHY we fly into hurricanes
    IMPORTANT: If you are being threatend by a tropical cyclone:
  • Please listen to your local authorities and media (TV, radio, etc.)
  • Do NOT look on this website for any warnings or advisories: we are flying hurricanes, not updating this website!
  • See our Links page
    Why a ".com"?
  • To be easy to find
  • We are NOT selling anything, nor can we
  • This is a project for the Hurricane Hunter Association (a non-profit group of active Hurricane Hunters)
    Other Disclaimers:
  • While this is NOT an offically sponsored website of the Air Force Reserve Command, we still follow most of the guidelines in the AFRC privacy and security notice; this link goes outside our webpage, so use your browser's BACK key to return here.
    The Hurricane Hunters are not responsible for the accuracy or content of information contained in the webpage links contained within. Links to and from the Hurricane Hunters Home Page do not constitute an endorsement of the parties involved.

    This page was launched in October 1996 by two former Hurricane Hunters with a vision, including Mr. Jeffrey Long, and made possible with invaluable contributions from many other present and former Hurricane Hunters.

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