Both the abbreviated and detailed vortex data messages are trans-
mitted in an alphabetical manner. In each report, a letter of the
alphabet is followed by information about the center of the
tropical circulation. This information includes such items as
lat/long of the center, temperatures inside and outside of the
eye of the storm, wind information, minimum pressures, etc.
Sample report:
URNT12 KNHC 051237
A. 05/1237Z
B. 30 DEG 59 MIN N
77 DEG 16 MIN W
C. 700 MB 2695 M
D. 65 KT
E. 050 DEG 80 NM
F. 313 DEG 78 KT
G. 063 DEG 32 NM
H. 954 MB
I. 11 C/ 3082 M
J. 15 C/ 3108 M
K. 13 C/ NA
M. C25
N. 12345/7
O. 1/1 NM
P. AF984 1606A FRAN OB 14
Breakdown of the message:
MESSAGE HEADER. The first line of the message is the code used to
identify a vortex message in various meteorological data bases,
followed by the date and time (Zulu) the message was transmitted.
A. DATE AND TIME OF FIX. The time when the center of the storm was located
or "fixed". 05/1237Z means the report is from the fifth day of the month,
at 1237Z. "Z" means Zulu time, or Greenwich Mean Time (CDT + 5 hrs).
Therefore, 1237Z = 7:37 a.m. Central Daylight Savings Time.
B. LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE of the vortex fix in degrees and minutes.
Example: 30 DEG 59 MIN N 77 DEG 16 MIN W.
Use this information to plot up the latest location of the storm center; comparing
the current position to previous positions gives the latest movement of the storm.
But be aware that sometimes storms "wobble", or make sharp turns, so listen to
the latest National Hurricane Center forecasts if you want to know where the
storm might be headed next!
C. MINIMUM HEIGHT AT STANDARD LEVEL. Standard level refers to certain
"slices" of the atmosphere used by meteorologists around the world. The exact altitude
of each of these slices relates to the pressure. The lower this height is below the
"standard" height indicates how low the pressure is inside the hurricane; stronger
storms have lower pressures. The number reported is in meters. Hurricane Hunters
fly storms at the "surface" (500 to 1500 feet above the water), 925 millibars (2500 feet or
762 meters), 850 mb (4780 ft or 1457 m), or 700 mb (9880 ft or 3011 m). The
aircraft will fly using an autopilot set to follow a constant pressure altitude.
For example, when flying a mission at 700 mb, the aircraft's pressure altimeter will
read 9,880 feet all day. But as the plane flies into lower pressure, the plane will
actually be flying closer to the ground. A radar altimeter bounces radar pulses off
the ground and tells the crew how high they actually are, and the meteorologist
uses this number to calculate the height of standard surface. In the example above,
the 700 millibar height was 2695 meters, which is 316 meters lower than the standard
height of 3011 meters: a significant low pressure! When flying low-level (below
1500 feet) this block is reported as NA (Not Applicable).
the highest estimated surface wind is 65 knots on this particular inbound leg. The flight
meteorologist looks at the sea surface and can estimate how strong the winds are by what the
sea looks like. At particular wind speeds, the sea begins to form white caps, then patches of
foam, then some of the foam patches begin to appear green, etc. The key word here is
"observed"; the meteorologist may not see the highest surface winds because of darkness,
heavy rain or clouds, so often this number is lower than the maximum flight level wind.
A "knot" is a nautical mile (nm) per hour. To convert to miles per hour, use 1.15 miles/nm;
65 nm/hr x 1.15 mi/nm = 75 miles per hour. To convert to meters per second, cut knots in
half: 65 kt = 33 m/s. If not observed at all, this block is reported as NA (Not Applicable).
E. BEARING AND RANGE FROM CENTER OF THE MAXIMUM SURFACE WIND given in degrees and nautical miles. The "bearing" is the direction from the center in which
the surface wind was seen, reported in degrees (similar to compass headings, except these
bearings are in reference to "true" instead of "magnetic" north). Due north is 0 degrees,
east is 90 degrees, south is 180 degrees, and west is 270 degrees. The bearing in the example is
050 degrees, which means the surface wind was seen northeast of the center. To pinpoint where
this was, you also need to know how far away it was: the "range". In this case, the 65 knot wind
reported in part D was found 80 nautical miles (92 statute miles) northeast of the center.
the last 100 mile leg inbound to the storm. There may be stronger winds in other sections of
the storm (see remarks in Item P). These winds are at flight level, and were measured
directly by the aircraft's instruments. In the example, the peak wind was 313 degrees 78 knots,
which means the wind was blowing from a direction of 313 deg (northwest) at a speed of 78 kts
(using the 1.15 mph/kt conversion, that's 90 miles per hour). Together with pressure (Items C and H),
winds give an idea of how strong the storm currently is.
method as reporting bearing and range for the surface winds (see Item E, above). In this example,
the 78 knot flight level wind reported in Item F was found 063 degrees (northeast) of the center,
and 32 nautical miles from the center. Usually the strongest winds are found in the "eyewall"
surrounding the eye, and this gives an idea of how large the center (or eye) of the storm is.
H. MINIMUM SEA LEVEL PRESSURE computed from dropsonde or extrapolation. This is one
of the key pieces of information which tell how strong the storm is. "Standard" sea level pressure
is 1013 millibars. Since hurricanes, tropical storms, and tropical depressions are all low-pressure
systems, the pressure reported here is almost always lower than standard. The lower the pressure,
the more intense the storm. The word "EXTRAP" precedes any pressures extrapolated from aircraft
sensor information; if the word "EXTRAP" is not there, it means the pressure was measured directly
by a dropsonde released from the aircraft, and is usually more accurate. This lowest pressure is found
in the center of the storm. Millibars can be converted to inches of Mercury using 0.0295 in-Hg/mb.
In the example, the pressure of 954 mb is approximately 28.14 in-Hg. For reference, developing
storms may have pressures around 1007 mb, most hurricanes are below 980 mb, and the lowest
pressure measured in an Atlantic/Gulf of Mexico hurricane was 888 mb (Hurricane Gilbert). There
may be small fluctuations in pressure due to normal, daily pressure rises and falls.
OUTSIDE THE EYE. This gives an idea of the general temperature surrounding
the storm. "Standard" temperature at 700 mb (where we fly most hurricanes) is
about -5 degrees Celsius, but in the tropics, it's usually 10 to 15 degrees warmer than
"standard". What you especially want to look for is how it compares to the temperature
inside the eye, in Item J or P. The example shows a temperature of 11 degrees Celsius
(52 degrees Fahrenheit) at an altitude of 3082 meters (10,112 feet). The altitude is
included because the airplane bumps up and down due to turbulence and other factors,
and minor changes in the temperature may be due to changes in altitude.
INSIDE THE EYE. This is yet another indicator of how "healthy" the storm is.
One of the unusual features of a hurricane is that it is warmer inside the eye than
outside. What you want to look for here is how much warmer it is than the
temperature reported outside the eye in Item "I." A developing storm may be only
a degree warmer inside the center, while a strong hurricane may be 10 degrees
warmer. In this example, the eye temperature of 15 degrees Celsius (59 degrees
Fahrenheit) is four degrees warmer than the temperatures immediately outside
the eye. Be sure to look at the remarks in Item "P" to see if there was an even
warmer temperature found inside the eye (but more than 5 miles from the fix position).
The aircraft was at a pressure altitude of 3108 meters (10,198 feet).
INSIDE THE EYE. This is the "dewpoint" measured in the center of the storm.
Dewpoint is a measure of the humidity. If the dewpoint and the temperature are
exactly the same, the humidity is 100%. The formula for converting to relative
humidity is too complicated to explain here, but the lower the dewpoint is,
compared to the air temperature, the drier the air. In the example, the dewpoint
was 13 Celsius (compared to a temperature of 15 Celsius), for a relative humidity
of 87%. If the humidity is at or near 100%, it may mean the center is filled with
clouds near the altitude of the aircraft, while a "healthy" hurricane may have a
clear, drier eye. The second part of Item K is no longer used, as the aircraft
do not carry the infrared sensors needed to measure sea surface temperature.
L. EYE CHARACTER. This is a brief description of what the eye looks like on
radar. "CLOSED WALL" if the eye is completely surrounded by a ring of
thunderstorms: the wall cloud. "OPEN NE" means there is a break in the wall
to the northeast, etc. If the eye is not at least 50% surrounded by a wall cloud,
this item and Item M will be reported as "NA" (Not Applicable).
follows: C-circular; CO-concentric; E-elliptical. Orientation of major axis of
ellipse is transmitted in tens of degrees, and all diameters are transmitted in
nautical miles. Example: E09/15/5 means elliptical eye oriented with major
axis thru 90 degrees (and also 270 degrees), with length of major axis 15 nm,
and length of minor axis 5 nm. CO8-14 means concentric eye with inner eye
diameter 8 miles, and outer diameter 14 miles.
The "healthiest" hurricanes usually have a small, circular eye. A concentric
eye (a ring inside a ring) is a relatively rare phenomenon that may signal
a temporary weakening while the storm reorganizes. An eye diameter that
shrinks (compared to the previous vortex message) may signal strengthening: just
as a twirling ice skater spins faster as she pulls in her arms, a hurricane may "spin"
faster as its eye gets smaller. Eye diameters are usually 10-20 nautical miles, while
we sometimes see them as small as 5 nm to as large as 60 nm.
N. FIX DETERMINED BY / FIX LEVEL. The first string of numbers indicates
what the meteorologist used to find the center of the storm, using numbers 1
through 5, as follows:
1-Penetration, 2-Radar, 3-Wind, 4-Pressure, 5-Temperature.
After the solidus ("/"), you'll find one or two numbers which show at what level(s)
the center was found, as follows:
0-surface, 1-1500 ft, 8-850 mb, 7-700 mb, 5-500 mb, 4-400 mb, 3-300 mb, 2-200 mb, 9-925 mb.
Example: 1235/7 means the fix was determined by four means: penetration, radar,
winds, and pressure. The fix was made at 700 mb (approx 10,000 feet). If a calm
spot was seen on the surface of the water, the fix level could have been "07" to
indicated the surface and the 700 mb center were found within 5 nm of each other.
These numbers give an estimate of how accurate the position is. "Navigation
accuracy" is a gauge of how well the navigation equipment is operating. The
"Meteorological Accuracy" depends on how well the storm center can be
defined by the meteorological data: if there is a sudden, sharp wind shift, and
the temperature peak and pressure drop all coincide, the met accuracy will be
a small number. A weaker storm will probably have a larger met accuracy.
Both numbers are reported in nautical miles.
Always starts with the Mission ID:
MISSION IDENTIFIER. The first line of the remarks is a unique identifier
for each mission:
Agency: Either AF for the Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunters or
NOAA for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency aircraft
XXX: Tail number of the aircraft
AA: Total number of missions flown on this storm system
BB: Depression number (or "XX" if it's not a depression or greater)
C: Ocean basin. "A"=Atlantic, "C"=Central Pacific, "E"=Eastern Pacific
NAME: Storm name, or words CYCLONE (for depression) or INVEST.
Example: AF984 1606A FRAN means Air Force Reserve aircraft number 984
is flying the 16th mission on Hurricane Fran, which is the 6th tropical cyclone
of the season in the Atlantic/Gulf/Carribbean.
The flight meteorologist may add details of
anything he or she feels are interesting to note. There are some standard
remarks: "MAX FL WIND 105 KT NE QUAD 1051Z" reminds the public that
while the highest wind seen just prior to hitting the center this time around
was 78 knots (Item F), a stronger wind was seen earlier in the flight: 105 knots
at 1051Z (5:51 a.m. CDT), in the northeast quadrant of the storm. Another
standard remark is given anytime a temperature peak is seen more than 5 nm
from the center location: "MAX FL TEMP 17C 130/10 NM FROM FL CENTER"
says the highest temperature seen at flight level ("FL") was 17 Celsius, located
10 nautical miles in a direction of 130 degrees (to the southeast). Finally, the
meteorologist lets you know Fran has a "STADIUM EFFECT", a rare but lovely
phenomenon in which the clouds form a solid wall all around the eye, and stretch
up and outward to reveal a circle of clear sky above, similar to a football stadium
that's 50,000 feet tall! Take the cyberflight if you would
like to see some pictures of the stadium effect.